Sunday, October 23, 2016

Advantages of microwave ovens

The microwave conveyed numerous pros. To start with, the microwave oven aids in the reduction of energy and time consumption. It has been shown that cooking in a microwave is approximately four times faster than in a gas stove, thus time and energy will be reduced by that amount. 

Also, the utensils used to heat the food don't get heated too, which means that it is easy to hold them after cooking without the risk of getting burns. Last but not least, the market has adapted to this type of tool and is now offering “done meals” that only need a few minutes in the microwave to be ready to eat. This provides students and other busy people who don't have the time to cook an easy way out! 

1 comment:

  1. Your blog looks great! The pictures are very informative and the design is eye-catching. I liked that you talked about both advantages and disadvantages so as to give an objective review of the product.
