Sunday, October 23, 2016

Interesting facts

Interesting facts about the microwave:

*    The first microwave to be conceived was sold at 5000$, was 6 feet tall which is approximately the height of a refrigerator and weighted 750 pounds on average! 

*    It is usually a bad idea to turn a microwave on without any food inside. In fact, the microwaves released will not be absorbed and hence they will be reflected in the microwave and this can eventually disrupt it. 

*   What is it that stops the microwaves released in the oven from cooking you? In fact, the window that you see on the front of your microwave has on the inside a metal mash. This mash contains small holes that are sized in a way that does not allow the standing waves from passing through, thus they get reflected back inside the oven. The visible light on the other hand can go through the holes, which is why you can see inside.  

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